VINEXPO market reports good news for Indian wine drinkers…your tribe is increasing rapidly!
The latest market reports from Vinexpo makes for some very eyebrow-raising reading. India is a country of red wine drinkers, they say, and we agree. They also say that white wine drinkers are quickly catching up. And imports are rising too.
Here is a brief snippet from the report released yesterday:
“….Incidentally, this growth comes at the end of a period of relative drought when wine consumption in India actually decreased for several years. It only started picking up in 2012, which saw a 11.8% increase which further jumped to 16.3% in 2013. The new survey pegs the growth over the next few years to reach an impressive 73.5%. Much of this wine, is, of course, local brands but the taste for imported wine is on the up. One out of every four bottles drunk in India is imported wine, with the largest supplier being Australia.”
Really good news or castles in the air? And when oh when will our powers-that-be recognise the need for making wine more accessible to all and reduce those taxes?
Read the entire report here.